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Can I Realistically Grow my Groceries?

Updated: Aug 26, 2019

Yes! Lets utilize those window sills.

Would you like to muddle some fresh herbs into your favorite summer cocktail? Or perhaps add some fresh tomatoes to your morning omelet?

It is time to have your favorite varieties growing at your fingertips. Whether its in a planter on your balcony or in the corner of your backyard, I guarantee we can produce your produce (pun entirely intended) on your property.

Now before i fluff you up too much, of course there are some restrictions. Some plants prefer direct sun, others require extra space, and some need a reliable water supply, but all of that can be quickly sorted out once I am able to see your layout.

So, let me lay it out for you.

Herbs rock! You can grow them right next to one another and many of them don't require too much space! One rule, separate those that like moist soil from those that prefer well drained soil. Overall, easy growers!

Root veggies need soil. Raised beds work great! Considering the main portion of the plant will be growing underground, this only makes sense. These veggies require thinning which is done early on to ensure the plants do not crowd one another. They also do best in well drained, loose, fertile soil. Perk- You can also eat the greens from many root veggies.

Nightshades AKA tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, potatoes need space and support. Some tomato varieties can stretch up to over 4ft in height. Large planters or backyard space is essential for these gustos.

Legumes and friends grow well in various settings, however you must provide most with something to climb. Bush beans are a solid choice if you don't have a trellis or climbing fence available. Peas will not prosper in any sort of heat, therefor I recommend them early on or later in the season.

Greens in all of their varieties require are needy in their own ways. However, most of them are quite hearty and can withstand cooler temperatures, It is important to know collard greens and kale will need significantly more space than spinach. Here I recommend tending to each plant uniquely.

Berries in all of their sweetness aren't the sweetest to grow. Their delicate juiciness requires a little more TLC than many other groceries on our list. Strawberries are probably the easiest, however they do spread like wildfire if you let them.

Fruits such as apples, pears, plums, persimmons, pawpaws, and other varieties require super space! That would mean growing a whole tree, which I'm happy help make that happen if you have the right set up as well. -Might I sway you in the direction of a fig tree?

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